Did you know we had werewolves in Armenia? 

Armenian werewolf

In “The Book of Were-Wolves” – 1865, Sabine Baring-Gould describes all sorts of folk-lore related to Were-Wolves. Among other stories he describes an account in Armenia with the following:

That the same belief in lycanthropy exists in Armenia is evident from the following story told by Haxthausen, in his Trans-Caucasia (Leipzig, i. 322): –“A man once saw a wolf, which had carried off a child, dash past him. He pursued it hastily, but was unable to overtake it. At last he came upon the hands and feet of a child, and a little further on he found a cave, in which lay a wolf-skin. This he cast into a fire, and immediately a woman appeared, who howled and tried to rescue the skin from the flames. The man, however, resisted, and, as soon as the hide was consumed, the woman had vanished in the smoke.”